Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I bear art...

Thanks to Jen who convinced me that our art was reason enough to start a blog. Cause even though I don't have kids or a husband to blog about... we are up and coming artists who deserve a post somewhere. Ever since we were in high school we have loved to do arts and crafts together... especially painting. We even entered a scholarship contest our senior year where we painted pictures that were un-identifiable and somehow created meaning for it. Mine looked like a yellow brick road being eaten by an alligator... still can't believe we actually paid to send those in. So Jen... I dedicate this post to you and your haunted tree.


Amander said...
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Kelli Salter said...

love it


Unknown said...

Sam, you have a blog? How could you omit such crucial information?

Lindsay Griffeth said...

See. I told you your friends would check your blog and generally be interested in your husband and kid free life. You probably have a more interesting life than the rest of us!

I like the art. Is that in your house somewhere?

Ali said...

I'm glad to know that someone finally convinced you to start a blog, even if it wasn't your sisters who have been telling you for a long time that everyone is interested in what you are up to.

jen said...

yipee. you have taken the first step. i may have to join you.