Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I cook giant hams...

Please appreciate the fact that I cooked a 10 pound ham for myself and my roommate. Four pieces later... there was still a whole ham sitting there. Maybe I need the children after all to help me eat the ham... or just keriann back in my life. Cooking for two is not my strong point considering I buy things like the ham at costco. But I love it... just ask my family who stands around the ham pan at family dinner picking at it... me.


Ali said...

It doesn't look like you stopped at the ham...there is an enormous dish of potatoes? sitting there too.

I'm all for the big ham. Makes for good leftovers and you can avoid mall food for at least a week.

Ham on!

Lindsay Griffeth said...

That ham looks delish. Next time let me know and I'll come over for at least leftovers.

I get costco ham twice next week! Yeah!

Bart and Kellie said...

Sammy!! How hilarious are you! It just made my night when I stumbled across your blog! I blog hopped from Laura & Paul's to Tripp & Alli (wow another niece for you how fun) and found you! I love you, your ham & your lack of children! Ha!