Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Today was a good day for two reasons.

1) I actually have a job interview next week at the hospital I would LOVE to work at. The only scary part is its a three day interview process in front of a panel of expert nurses. Kill me now.

2) I got to take this little girl to the sunshine mall for her birthday to get a princess outfit for her new bear abbie.


Ali said...

Very excited about your interview...will be thinking of you non-stop.

Abbie is still talking about her afternoon at the Sunshine Mall with her Aunts. She had SO MUCH FUN. Thanks for taking her again and buying her such fun things. I'm glad she will have these lovely memories of you two.

Lindsay Griffeth said...

yay for the job interview!

You'll do great in front of the expert panel of nurses.

Amander said...

Sam, you will show all your awesomeness to that panel!

And the bear outfit shopping looks like so much fun!