Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Abbie: Aunt Sam, do you have a family?
Sam: What do you mean by that... I mean we are family
Abbie: I mean do you have kids? Cause I know your not married
Sam: Nope no kids... you have to get married before you have those.
Abbie: So your alone?
Sam: Guess so kid.

A couple weeks ago....
Nate: I'm never getting married. And neither are you.
Sam: Well there you go.

Gotta love the nieces and nephews :)


Lindsay Griffeth said...

nate's just mad that he can't marry you.

Ali said...

Kristen Howey gets the same conversation every time she sees Abbie too. Or I get it afterwards. She just doesn't quite comprehend why two beautiful princesses aren't kissing princes. I keep reminding her that you have to finish college and serve a mission before you can kiss or date anyone in our family and besides, most princes are really frogs. She's never watched Shrek....

Sammy said...

Nate will die in a few years that the words I want to marry aunt sam ever came out of his mouth.

Amander said...

Very nice. I need a nephew who will also make that pact with me.