Saturday, May 21, 2011

I've come to the conclusion that I own too much stuff. By the end of the year I hope to have de-junked my life and made things much simpler. Certain things I'm just not sure what to do with though. I own a TON of movies. I really like most of these movies. But I haven't watched one of them in probably a year or so. Between netflix and my DVR... I just don't ever have the urge to pop in a movie anymore. Do you keep them? Donate them? I want everything in my home to have a home.... but how do you get around having drawers of random junk? I'm just not sure how everything in my house will ever have an actual home. My goal for the rest of the year is to simplify. I need you guys to hold me to it. First stop. My room.


Lindsay Griffeth said...

I like when you de-junk your room. I'm loving what I'm inheriting.

Movies? Here's the solution:

1 - buy the software to convert them to a format for Apple.
2 - buy an Apple TV and you can watch them ALL anytime.

Maggie said...

Uh, I love to go shopping at Sam's room. Your junk is my treasure. Let me know and I'll take it off your hands ;)

Amander said...

Ditto for me. I've been trying to de-clutter for two years now. It's a lot more work than you'd think. Especially when I seem to buy just as much crap as I get rid of.