Saturday, May 7, 2011

Thursday I went to Disneyland. I will post pictures when they are available for stealing off of my sisters blog... but my favorite conversation of the day went a little something like this...

Scene: Sam, Lindsay, Abbie and Nate in line for thunder mountain

Abbie: I don't feel so good about this. Do they have barf bags on this ride?
Sam: There will be no barfing on this ride cause it will get all over you and all over me and if that happens we are going home.
Nate: Aunt Sam... your a nurse. You clean up barf all day.

And I just had to laugh at that.


Lindsay Griffeth said...

I thought it was pretty funny, too. I love comments like that from a 3 year old - it means they actually do listen to you sometimes!

Amander said...

3 year olds are the best! It sounds like a really fun trip.