Friday, January 11, 2008

I have time to actually keep some new years resolutions...

They say that you should tell people your resolutions and goals for the year because it keeps you more accountable for actually doing them... so here I go...

1. Read the gospel doctrine lesson and relief society lesson each week before going to church
2. Make a plan to go back to school
3. Get my creative juices flowing again
4. Buy a sewing machine and actually learn how to sew.
5. Actually learn how to use my fancy camera and take more pictures
6. Learn how to use photoshop
7. Work on family history... actually get names ready to go to the temple
8. Travel at least once out of the country
9. Find a job that actually makes me use my brain
10. Move into my own bedroom at some point
11. Keep in better touch with friends
12. Start to live the life I imagined for myself - live it for me!
13. Cook more - try making new things
14. Do my laundry when the basket gets full... not when it explodes
15. Spend more time with my famliy
16. Finish painting my house

Hopefully this year will be one of change for me!


Lindsay Griffeth said...

That's a great list. A few of ours are the same so we should do those together!

Hats off to a year of change for Sam. Just make sure your year of change keeps you in LV.

Amander said...

Great list of resolutions, although I have to say I wouldn't mind if those changes took you to Utah :) Also, what is this about you going back to school??

Also, I need to be added to your list of fellow bloggers now. Let me know when you are coming up - I miss you!

Ali said...

Count me in on the sewing...I have the machine but just don't find time to practice using it. If you decide to take a class, etc. sign me up too. I could use mandatory practice time.

Brianna said...

I don't know if you remember me from High School, Brianna Combs (now Johnson) but I ran into your blog from Kellie Yeates' blog. My brother, Garron, talks about you all the time. I tell him to say hi to you for me, but I never know if he actually does it. He's getting married in a couple months, I don't know when the last time you talked to him since they moved. Don't you love this blogging stuff, you can catch up with old friends. Our site is if you're interested. HOpe to talk to you soon!