Friday, March 14, 2008

this could be a farewell blog...

Thank you Mander for making me realize that posting on this blog should be part of my day to day life. So here is a little something that has made me LOL repeatedly. Yes I just used LOL. I went to Costco a couple weeks ago and saw a giant thing of top ramen and calculated that it only cost about 10 cents a pack. Can't beat that... especially when you are planning on going back to school while still having a house payment. So I go to my parents house a week ago and my mom tells me I look pale. And then goes on to attribute the paleness to all the top ramen I have been eating. If you knew my mom... you would know this is completely a normal statement and its why I have been laughing for days about it.

I wanted to say farewell before my trip. Everyone keeps telling me that there is a chance of death for me on this trip. 1. My parachute isn't going to open when i jump out of that plane on monday (dont mention this to my parents) or 2. some creep at a campsite is going to turn out to be an axe murderer or my favorite is 3. mountain lions might eat me.

I will try to post along the way to let you know that I am in fact alive and spread the joy about the wonderful adventure I am on!


jen said...

farewell my friend. let me know how it goes. i may be taking a similar trip next month.

Amander said...

If you do die, I hope you have left me something in your will.

Lindsay Griffeth said...

The Top Ramen comment is a classic mom statement. I'm just glad she forgot about your skydiving trip....glad you survived reason #1 of your death on your road trip. :)

Lindsay Griffeth said...

The Top Ramen comment is a classic mom statement. I'm just glad she forgot about your skydiving trip....glad you survived reason #1 of your death on your road trip. :)