Saturday, July 19, 2008

Tag your it...

I started this list a couple months ago when visiting amanda and she was pretty much holding a gun to my head. I figured since I started it and even went through the trouble of saving it... i would at least finish it. So here are ten things about me that some people find disturbing... others endearing.

1. I might be one of the messiest people in the world when it comes to my bedroom. Roommates have in fact had to leave me notes in the past asking me to "clean up my crap" if you will. What do they care its not invading their space. But anyways... at any given time it looks like an explosion has taken place... even if I just cleaned it the day before.

2. I can go days without drinking water because soda is my life. I am very well acquainted with the staff at the circle K on the corner of stephanie and warm springs. Let me just tell you that I love that place because they give you the choice of crushed ice or cubed... not to mention they have squirt in the fountain. For those of you who truly know me you would know that squirt is in fact my favorite soda but I have to drink the diet coke because of the headaches... and also so I don't gain 1,000 pounds off squirt alone. My new favorite drink is a cranberry limeaid from sonic. Its probably the worst discovery I have ever made.

3. Chips and Salsa is my favorite food by far... sometimes chips and taco sauce. Once after I had the flu it was the first thing I wanted to eat when I finally got up the courage to eat again. Sometimes I skip all meals and only eat chips and salsa... burns a hole in my stomach. Love it.

4. I have enough shirts to wear a different one every day for a whole year if that tells you anything. Although I just took a few bags to the DI so I should re-count before I establish this as fact.

5. I have been researching selling my eggs for money instead of actually working for the money. I got concerned about the amount of eggs I actually had in me. According to my calculations I have about 243 eggs left. Give it a couple weeks and we will be another man down. As you can see I care deeply about whether or not I have enough to bear children of my own. I need kids NOW to slow down the egg loss process.

6. I love craft time. This one is not embarrassing... unless you think of your grandma in the corning sewing a blanket cause she had nothing else to do with her time. And I am pretty much the same

7. One of my favorite songs in the world is Meatloafs "I would do anything for love". Many of you would associate me with this song if you knew me in my college days. What exactly does he mean when he says... "but I won't do that". Its one of lifes great questions is you ask me.

8. I have poor hygiene. Most of you who say you don't wash your hair every day at least shower every day. Not this girl. Its why I am thankful to have found cassie and have her a part of my life cause she is my equal in poor hygiene and it makes me feel normal. The good news is in my opinion you can't tell.... other than the bit of grease in the hair. But I don't smell. Promise.

9. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to take off on a whim. I have not always been like this. I have often been somewhat more on the worry wart side. But I have found this love of not planning and just going and it has always treated me well. Thank goodness for my tent cause it can come anywhere with me and always provides a roof over my head. My most random excursion was a camping trip up to Mt. Charleston... making the assumption that there were in fact places to camp out there. My new philosophy - we don't need to know til we get there!

10. On a serious note - seriously love my family and friends. I have the greatest sisters and I love them and their cute little families. And friends - this includes all of you that I have ever crossed paths with I think the world of you too - all for different reasons!


Niels and Susie Jensen said...

SAM! So happy to find you in this world o blogs. I am moving back to Vegas next month and would just relish seeing you soon. No joke I think of your beary merry Xmas pic EVERY holiday season, and I have probably told close to 30 people about it, so thank you for posting it.

Amander said...

Love, love, love this list. It's SO you. I still have my list of reasons I love you in my "unpublished drafts" day I will publish them and the world will see your glory! Although several of them are the same as yours right now. Glad you are back to blogging.

Lindsay Griffeth said...

Oh man, these are so true. We share a lot of the same traits, you know.

I think the same tornado that hits your room hits my house, too. I think my roommates may have left me the same note. But I agree, it wasn't their room. Why do they care? :)

Love you, too!

Sammy said...

Yes but in this case the note came from my fellow roomies in london cause my stuff seemed to start to line the walls by the end.

jen said...

i really liked this post. nice work. yipee for craft time!

Nick and Lexie said...

Your bed was covered in crap!!! Hahaha, but it makes me so happy thinking about it. And a little sad, remember you cough and dislocated rip cage or something?

I ditto Mander's comment, I'm glad you're back to blogging. I loved your post, especially since it made me think of all of these funny things.

P.S. You ever need to get rid of clothes, you know who to call.

P.S.S. Are we going to plan some kind of get together soon? Me to Vegas, you to P-town, and we can see each others' homes. I need your help, I need your crafty touch!

Adam and Bri said...

I knew the majority of these already. That means we're way awesome friends. Partners in crime, even. :)

Oh, and I'm pretty sure my way awesome friend gene didn't rear its head when you texted me a while ago and I forgot to text you back. I don't have my phone in front of me right now, but I think you said you were coming to the Utah in mid-August. Is that right? And if so, can I pretty please see you?

Amander said...

Dear Lexie and Sam,

I have decided there should be no reunions without me present.

Thank you for complying with my wishes.


Laurel said...

Just found you from could so become one of my new favorite people. Love your honesty. Love your funny. Love your blog.