Sunday, August 17, 2008

Why does Utah steal all my friends?

Utah holds all of my friends. Which is great when you want to visit you get to see so many of them, but at the same time... I am in Vegas... which means that my visits with the peeps of my past are few and far between. I even make friends with people down here and for some reason they still end up in Utah. But no I am not going to move back to utah. I have spent way to many hours painting my house for me to ever leave it.

Cassie and I with our cool badges to get into
the church office building. I sure am going to
miss her!

Mary, Elaine, Mander, Maggie and Me!
Margaret got married on Tuesday and its always
fun to have little London Reunions

Me, Audrey, and Keriann. We met in the Fernwood in
Provo and had the best summer of our lives.

Had a BBQ at Tophers house. Modesty is hot.

Utah holds the most beautiful college campus I have ever been to. Even if you are not a BYU lover, you have to admit its an amazing campus. It makes me wish that UNLV or CSN came close... but instead you find cigarettes in the planters. Awesome. I am only a little mad at BYU for not providing me a husband which is somewhat implied when you apply to that school. Just kidding... but some people leave feeling that way.

This is me and baby Johnny... Keriann let me
push him around campus just so I could get a
glimpse of what this would have felt like. It was always
my goal to have a little baby at graduation. Maybe by
going back to school I am being given another chance.
(I really hope people don't take me too seriously)

It was fun to visit temple square. While I love the Las Vegas Temple... I think the buildings and just the feeling of temple square can't be found anywhere else on this earth. I marvel at that temple every time I see it.

Salt Lake City Temple

Cassie and I at temple square

Bri and Jen...for some reason I escaped without a picture of you. It was fun to go up there and see old friends and visit the many places that made my years in Utah well worth it. Love all of you!


Amander said...

Hm, sometimes I feel the same way about the rest of the United States. Dumb friends moving on with life. Lame.

Loved seeing you.

Lindsay Griffeth said...

Utah steals mine, too. I guess it's just a fact of life.

And I'm a little offended that you spent 2+ days with me and Naters and we didn't make it on the blog. Maybe we can appear with the "grandma story".

Ali said...

Maybe I should be offended because I live around the corner and you don't ever spend 2+ days with me at all. But that would take too much energy (being offended that is) so we're good.

jen said...

I'm so glad you came to Utah. Yipee! Come back soon friend.