Friday, August 29, 2008


So normally when I visit Costco I love looking through the double packs of movies... you know... usually one pretty good movie paired with a crappy one that you will probably still watch? Well they are trying to screw people over now by pairing two crappy movies together.
Here is the pair I found today. If someone viewed both of these movies they would find themselves in much pain.


Bart and Kellie said...

Ha! My brother swears that AI is the worst movie ever made! Glad to know someone else agrees!

Amander said...

Please tell me you bought this. I TOTALLY would have. I haven't seen The Core in a long time.

Lindsay Griffeth said...

I've never heard of either.

Ali said...

Ok Sam, time for a new family photo...and I don't mean you and the bear.

jenn said...

i miss you sam!

Amander said...

Um, blog please.

Wendyburd1 said...

I love The Core, Stanley Tucci and Aaron Eckhart!!