Sunday, October 12, 2008

consider it considered...

Dear readers/stockers of my blog.

I am sure no one is going to read this cause they think I have dropped out of the blog world, but it is something I am considering. I mean lets get honest. With the little spare time I do have I would rather spend it on my couch watching re-runs of 90210(I can't believe they are trying to remake it) than trying to entertain you with my wit. I mean sure I'm funny and this might be the last line of contact some of you have with me... but I am considering dropping out of blogs. Cause really... if you want to know the random thoughts I have... go to amanda's blog. Cause I think them too. If you want to know what my family is doing... go to my sisters blog. And if you want to know whats in my head just think chemistry... cause its always on my mind. I will let you know either way what I decide.



Amander said...

This post saddens me, however I understand it. I have considered stopping the ol' blogging myself.

But how about you just take a blog break for a while? Go on sabbatical - and check back in six months or so. Then you can decide whether you are finished or not.

Because even though you post infrequently - I love it when you do. And reading my own random thoughts isn't much comfort ;)

And also, one of these days we will talk on the phone. Seriously, we will. Phone tag can't last longer than a month, can it?

Lindsay Griffeth said...

You and Amanda can't stop blogging. You just can't.

Ali said...

The new 90210, though nothing like the old one, isn't too bad. You should TiVo it and give it a whirl....

As for my blog, I think your friends will be sadly disappointed when they visit and see very little said about what you may be thinking and/or doing.

brinleyr said...

You jerk. What am I supposed to do on my "breaks" at work? I guess just grab another piece of candy and think of you, sugar.

But I've been know how you see someone's blog who you haven't seen in years? Or you see some random person at the store and think, man, they look familiar? It's because you have stumbled upon their blog..and the more I think about it, I don't want people saying..oh, I know what girl..I've seen her blog. It's weird. I guess make the profiles private so that you know your stalkers, that seems safe. Man, what is this world coming to?

kendal said...

samantha, keep blogging. you can't quit. Just go to one-liners, quick blog thoughts, they don't have to be extensive. Or just quit the gap.

Adam and Bri said...

Don't quit Sammy Sam. Don't do it. Your posts, however rare, are comforting to the soul.