Thursday, October 23, 2008

call me crazy

Call me crazy but last time i checked it was pretty dangerous to light up your cigarette within a foot of your water heater, your gas powered water heater. You know that one with giant caution signs on it that flammable things such as flames are not good. Yes my neighbors have taken up smoking in their garage. At least they leave the garage door partially opened for some ventilation. So if for some reason you go a while without hearing from me, know that I went up in flames along with the neighbors... Who set up their patio furniture in their garage.


Amander said...

Seriously?! I will come down and punch them for you [see Maren's video today - it could be kind of like that].

Sammy said...

Seriously mander... i am just waiting for my house to explode right along side theirs

Brad and Keri said...

sounds classy. tell them you will take them to Judge Judy if anything happens. I love court tv

Adam and Bri said...

Ummm, I don't like the sound of this, Sammy Sam.

Nope. Don't like it at all!