Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Daily Rant...

I know that my facebook status recently stated my dismay with the fact that resumes really don't show employers how awesome you really are. I feel like when you apply for a job you should have to upload a video with a personal statement. Its a real annoyance when annoying people get your job because their resume "looks" better than yours. What does that even mean anyways?

On the same note... when I get emails telling me that I'm not qualified for a basic nursing job... I get all fired up too. Are you telling me that you would rather hire a 60 year old nurse who doesn't wear gloves and spreads disease because she wasn't taught to wear gloves in nursing school over me?

And that's my daily rant. More to come. Probably daily.


Adam and Bri said...

daily sammy? yes, please.

Amander said...

Job hunting sucks. We are really awesome, qualified, not sucky people. Why don't people hire us??