Sunday, November 30, 2008


Yes I went shopping at four a.m.

Yes I also worked from 3 to midnight.

And yes, I too faced death that day.

I thought Lindsay and I were doing pretty good. No throwing of elbows at Walmart like I had previously experienced. And then I go to Costco. I was literally standing there and had been for quite some time when a lady comes barreling into me with her shopping cart. First of all she was Asian which made it twenty times more funny to me. Second of all she claimed she couldn't see me. I not so kindly pointed out that she probably could not see me because she had a giant TV in her cart which was blocking her view. I also not so kindly reminded her that instead of running around like a crazy she should take the time to peek her head out from behind the giant TV to see if anyone is in fact in front of her. Then as I suggested she move the TV, and she proceeded to try to move it, I started dying laughing. And to top it all of she informed me that crashing into me hurt her. Like in the end it was my fault. Oh man Lindsay and I were crying. And now I have a bruise on my hip.

And yes I was wearing basketball shorts, a giant hoodie, and some furry slippers.


brinleyr said...

Oh how I love this story. I would have been rolling on the ground in laughter.

Ali said...

Maybe she was just trying to put you out of your misery?????????

Lindsay Griffeth said...

I'm dying laughing thinking about it. It was hilarious. Glad you survived the asian lady and her cart.

Black Friday shopping was fun. Can't wait till the day after Christmas. Maybe I'll be the injured one this time.

Adam and Bri said...

I love the visual of you in basketball shorts, furry slippers and a hoodie.

Thank you for that.

Amander said...

There are REASONS people do not go shopping on this day!

Although I secretly think it would be hilarious to have witnessed this fiasco.