Thursday, December 4, 2008


There are so many reasons to love the holiday season, but these girls are one the of reasons that this time of year really is the best! Its not every day you meet some girls in Junior High and over ten years later you still find yourself sitting on the same blue couches (thank you Lori for handing them down to Natalie) with the same people like time has never changed. Except now three of you are married, and two of you are moms. Crazy. So here are my shout outs to my besties...

Erinita Lita Cita - it saddens me that you live so far away, but really I am just jealous cause you are living out mine and Kendals dream. There is no way to put down all of the memories but I can't believe how much time has gone by and we sit down after months of not talking and pick up right where we left off.

Kendal - even though natalie chants "fight fight fight" whenever we start to bicker and even though you did punch me in my mouth once, I still love you. You are my indian outlaw friend and for that I will always love you too. No one else shares the joy in that song like we do - and we love to make others mad by singing it.

Jennifer - the girl who shares my love of crafts and art and anything that involves anything at Joanns. You guys can thank jen cause it was in fact at one of our craft nights where I felt inspired to start a blog. I love that I can call you anytime and chat just like when we were sixteen and you would call me at midnight to talk about boys while watching party of five.

Natalie - Your decision to move .7 miles away from me was the best of your life. Or my life. Either way. It was a good one. I love that you still have those blue couches and I love that we get together when we are 25 and you pull out the pictures of Jen with her bangs or me covered in all you crap while sleeping on the church history trip. Thank you for always keeping the memories alive and for giving us a chance to laugh at ourselves.

I hope everyone is fortunate enough to have their own set of besties...


Amander said...

It's always nice to be able to be with people who knew you "back when" just makes such a difference for some reason!

That is great you guys still get together.

jen said...

Word. Thanks Samantha for the shout out. Love you to pieces! I'm so lucky to have such good friends.

brinleyr said...

The tribe so isn't as cool as the besties. I am the only one who knows where it's at. I'm kind of like the Jen of the besties..extending my cake decorating skills to you. Sweet. I love Jen. I love you.

Ali said...

I still have my middle school bus buddie that I'm proud to call a BFF 22 years later but I'd say five of you is pretty remarkable. Bravo (until you all start dancing at the 30th Anniversary Recital with all the way too excited moms I sit with during Abbie's class...then I've don't know any of you).

Sammy said...

you better believe there is an alumni dance class starting in january... so i too can be dancing with abbie in the recital

Ali said...

I know WAY too much about it already. I hear about it every week at dance. "Should I get pregnant? If I do, I can't be in the dance?" "Oh no, Nat is pregnant so now I have to choreograph the entire thing." "I've contacted so and so and so and so to join us..." It's tiring.....

Erin King said...

Samicita, I love you too! I always wish I was closer to you guys. :) Thanks for the post...and keep em coming! I love seeing what you're up to.